Award-Winning, Certified-Cajun Smoked Sausage & Boudin
Market Basket Smokehouse has nearly 30 years of experience in serving Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana the best homemade sausage and boudin.
Our unique processes and recipes have made us a favorite of sausage and boudin lovers from all over. We have several locations in select Market Basket food stores throughout Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana. If you are looking for some authentic Cajun sausage or mouthwatering boudin, MB Smokehouse is your place.
Looking to bring a little bit of Creole to the table? Check out our growing list of tried and true Cajun recipes submitted by real sausage and boudin lovers, or submit your own.
In the Market Basket Smokehouse kitchen, we use only the best ingredients! We start off with a large portion of our top quality, northern-fed pork shoulders for both our boudin and our famous smoked sausage.
Our Process
We cook and steam the rice so it holds to the perfect texture that you expect in a high quality boudin. Next we mix in our fresh ingredients and prepare the boudin and sausage for smoking in our very own smokehouse. Packed with flavor and spices, you’ll see why we value the process of freshly made boudin and sausage.
For many years, Market Basket Smokehouse has earned its place in some of the most prestigious food publications; including the official “Boudin Trail” of Louisiana and also, holds an A+ rating on “The Boudin Link“, the guide to all things boudin.
Smokehouse Locations
There are currently 16 Market Basket Foods locations that have on-site smokehouses. Please find your nearest location using the map below or take advantage of our online ordering.